How to Fix is not a component. all component children of must be a or


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React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, and React Router is a powerful routing library that allows developers to handle navigation in their React applications. However, while working with React Router, you may encounter an error message stating “is not a \<route> component. All component children of \<Routes> must be a \<Route> or \<React.Fragment>.” This error typically occurs when there is a problem with the structure or nesting of components within the React Router configuration.

Understanding React Components and Routes

In React, components are the building blocks of the application. They encapsulate reusable pieces of UI, allowing developers to create modular and maintainable code. React Router, on the other hand, is a library that enables declarative routing in a React application. It helps to define different routes and map them to specific components.

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The Error Message: “is not a \<route> component”

The error message “is not a \<route> component. All component children of \<Routes> must be a \<Route> or \<React.Fragment>” indicates that there is an issue with the configuration of components within the React Router. It specifically highlights that a component, which is expected to be a \<Route> or \<React.Fragment>, is not fulfilling the requirements.

Common Causes of the Error

There are several common causes for the “is not a \<route> component” error in React Router. Some of them include:

1. Incorrect component nesting: The components may be nested improperly within the React Router configuration.

2. Missing \<Route> component: A component that should be wrapped with the \<Route> component may be missing it.

3. JSX structure issue: The structure of JSX elements may not conform to the requirements of React Router.

4. Import problems: There might be issues with the imports of the necessary components from React Router.

5. React Router version mismatch: The version of React Router being used may not be compatible with the codebase.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve the “is not a \<route> component” error, you can follow

 these troubleshooting steps:

Step 1: Check the React Router version

Ensure that you are using the correct version of React Router in your project. Different versions may have different syntax and requirements, so make sure the version matches your codebase.

Step 2: Verify component nesting

Check the nesting of components within the React Router configuration. Make sure that each component is correctly nested within the appropriate parent components.

Step 3: Review the JSX structure

Review the structure of JSX elements and ensure they are properly constructed. Elements should be enclosed within the necessary components, such as \<Route> or \<React.Fragment>.

Step 4: Ensure proper imports

Check the imports of the required components from React Router. Verify that the components are imported correctly and used in the appropriate locations.

Step 5: Confirm the usage of \<Route> component

Ensure that every component expected to be a part of the routing configuration is wrapped with the \<Route> component. Double-check that no component is missing this essential wrapper.

Fixing the “is not a \<route> component” Error

Let’s explore some common scenarios and their respective solutions for fixing the “is not a \<route> component” error:

Case 1: Incorrect component nesting

If the error is caused by incorrect component nesting, you need to rearrange the components within the React Router configuration to ensure the correct hierarchy.

Case 2: Missing \<Route> component

In cases where a component is missing the required \<Route> wrapper, you must add the \<Route> component around it to satisfy the React Router’s expectations.

Case 3: JSX structure issue

When the JSX structure is causing the error, carefully review the arrangement of JSX elements. Make sure they are enclosed within the appropriate components.

Case 4: Import problems

If the error is due to import issues, validate that the required components from React Router are imported correctly. Check the import statements and verify the component names.

Case 5: React Router version mismatch

In scenarios where the React Router version is incompatible, update your project’s dependencies to match the appropriate version required by your codebase.

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Best Practices to Avoid the Error

To prevent encountering the “is not a \<route> component” error in the future, consider these best practices:

Tip 1: Double-check component hierarchy

Always double-check the hierarchy of components within the React Router configuration. Ensure that each component is placed in the correct parent component.

Tip 2: Review JSX structure

Thoroughly review the structure of JSX elements to ensure they conform to the requirements of React Router. Verify that the necessary components are used correctly.

Tip 3: Keep React Router version up to date

Regularly update React Router to the latest stable version to avoid version compatibility issues. Staying up to date ensures you have access to bug fixes and improvements.

Tip 4: Use proper component imports

Make sure to import the required components from React Router accurately. Refer to the documentation and follow the recommended import patterns.


In conclusion, the “is not a \<route> component” error in React Router can be resolved by ensuring proper component nesting, using the \<Route> component as needed, maintaining the correct JSX structure, managing imports correctly, and validating the React Router version compatibility. By following the troubleshooting steps and adopting best practices, you can effectively fix this error and ensure smooth navigation within your React application.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the \<Route> component in React Router?

   The \<Route> component is used to define a route in React Router. It allows you to associate a specific URL path with a corresponding component, enabling proper navigation within a React application.

2. How can I check the version of React Router in my project?

   You can check the version of React Router by looking into the dependencies section of your project’s package.json file. Alternatively, you can use the command `npm list react-router` or `yarn list react-router` in your project’s root directory to view the installed version.

3. Can I nest components within the \<Route> component?

   Yes, you can nest components within the \<Route> component. This allows you to create nested routes and define different components to render based on the URL path.

4. What are some other common React Router errors?

   Some other common React Router errors include “No route matches location,” “Cannot read property ‘history’ of undefined,” and “Redirect from ‘X’ to ‘Y’.”

5. Where can I find more resources to learn about React Router?

   You can find more resources and documentation on React Router’s official website ( Additionally, online tutorials, blogs, and forums can provide valuable insights and examples to help you master React Router.

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