What Are The Differences When Deploying On Tomcat Vs. Websphere?

Scotty Moe

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When deploying on Tomcat, there are no modifications required to Java code. However, the use of EJBs is not supported unless OpenEJB is incorporated. On the other hand, deploying on Websphere requires the removal of EJBs to enable deployment on Tomcat.

Tomcat accepts WAR packages for deployment, while Websphere requires the use of EAR packages.

Both Tomcat and Websphere use JNDI for data sources, but there may be differences in naming conventions.

Websphere deployment tends to be more complex compared to Tomcat, while Tomcat offers greater speed in code rebuilding when changes occur.

It is important to consider the servlet specification/version implemented by each server for web application deployment.

Tomcat is suitable for credit card processing and e-signatures, while Websphere is better suited for enterprise applications.

Spring Boot, a simpler and more user-friendly alternative, defaults to Tomcat.

Understanding these differences between Tomcat and Websphere is crucial for successful application deployment.

Deployment Differences

One key difference when deploying on Tomcat versus Websphere is that Tomcat accepts WAR packages, while Websphere requires EAR packages.

WAR (Web Archive) packages are used to package web applications that contain servlets, JSPs, HTML, and other web-related resources.

On the other hand, EAR (Enterprise Archive) packages are used to package enterprise applications that may contain multiple modules, such as EJBs, JMS resources, and web modules.

This difference in packaging requirements means that developers need to package their applications accordingly depending on the target application server.

Tomcat, being a lightweight servlet/JSP engine, focuses primarily on web applications and therefore supports the deployment of WAR packages.

Websphere, being a full-fledged Java EE application server, supports the deployment of more complex enterprise applications that may require the use of EJBs and other Java EE features, hence the requirement for EAR packages.

Features and Limitations

When considering the features and limitations of both servers, it is important to note that:

  • Tomcat is a lightweight servlet container
  • Websphere is a full-featured Java EE application server

Tomcat focuses primarily on serving servlets and JSPs, providing a basic environment for web applications. It is not a full Java EE server and lacks certain enterprise features like EJBs.

On the other hand, Websphere offers a comprehensive set of Java EE capabilities, including support for EJBs, JMS, and other enterprise-level features. Websphere also supports clustering and high availability, making it suitable for large-scale, production environments.

However, these additional features come at the cost of increased complexity and resource consumption.

Ultimately, the choice between Tomcat and Websphere depends on the specific requirements and complexity of the application being deployed.


Considerations must be taken into account when evaluating the deployment options on Tomcat compared to Websphere.

Firstly, it is important to note that Tomcat is a servlet/JSP engine, while Websphere is a full-fledged Java EE application server. This means that Tomcat lacks certain Java EE features, such as EJBs, which may require additional configuration or the use of OpenEJB.

Furthermore, Tomcat accepts WAR packages for deployment, while Websphere requires EAR packages. Both servers use JNDI for data sources, but there may be naming convention differences.

Additionally, deploying on Websphere is generally considered more difficult than on Tomcat. It is also worth considering the servlet spec/version implemented by each server, as well as any server-specific bugs or limitations.

Overall, the choice between Tomcat and Websphere should be based on the specific requirements and features of the application being deployed.

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