vscode debug react

Scotty Moe

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Debugging create-react-apps in Visual Studio Code can present challenges, particularly when breakpoints do not become active or fail to break. This issue has been encountered by numerous developers who have sought solutions through various launch configurations and settings.

The application is typically executed with npm start, and the objective is to debug the client-side JavaScript code, which incorporates TypeScript and React. The debugger is launched and a new browser instance is opened using the green arrow in VS Code.

Crucially, the source maps must be correctly linked to the original TypeScript code. The article also highlights that version 0.2.0 is still necessary due to important updates and deprecated types. It is recommended that the VS Code team employs this version to avoid potential breaking changes in forthcoming releases.

In summary, the article offers guidance and references to resources for debugging create-react-apps in VS Code.


The guide provides instructions on how to debug create-react-apps in Visual Studio Code. It addresses the difficulty in getting the debugger to work properly and the issue of breakpoints not becoming active and not breaking.

It suggests trying different launch configurations and using the green arrow in VS Code to launch the debugger and open a new browser instance.

The guide also mentions the importance of using source maps to link to the original TypeScript code. It provides information on the deprecated type that has been updated and advises using version 0.2.0 to avoid breaking changes in future releases.

Overall, the guide is a helpful resource for developers seeking to debug their create-react-apps in Visual Studio Code.

Common Issues

Common issues encountered when debugging create-react-apps in Visual Studio Code include:

  • Difficulty in setting up the debugger.
  • Breakpoints not becoming active or not breaking.
  • Challenges in debugging both the client and server sides of the application.

Many users have reported that despite trying different launch configurations, they are unable to get the debugger to work properly. Breakpoints often fail to become active or do not trigger a break, making it difficult to effectively debug the code.

Additionally, debugging both the client-side JavaScript within the browser and the server-side JavaScript within Node.js can pose its own set of challenges. This is particularly relevant for create-react-apps written in TypeScript, where users desire to debug the client using source maps that link to the original TypeScript code.

Tips and Tricks

One helpful approach when working with create-react-apps in Visual Studio Code is to utilize various tips and tricks that can enhance the debugging process. Here are a few suggestions to improve your debugging experience:

  1. Utilize breakpoints: Set breakpoints in your code to pause the execution at specific points and inspect variables and states. Make sure the breakpoints are set in the correct files and lines.

  2. Use the Debug Console: The Debug Console in VS Code allows you to execute JavaScript code during debugging sessions. This can be useful for testing specific functions or evaluating expressions.

  3. Enable source maps: Ensure that source maps are enabled in your project’s configuration. This will allow you to debug the original TypeScript code instead of the transpiled JavaScript code.

  4. Use the React Developer Tools extension: Install the React Developer Tools extension in your browser to inspect React component hierarchies and states. This can provide valuable insights while debugging React applications.

By incorporating these tips and tricks, you can streamline the debugging process and effectively identify and fix issues in your create-react-apps.

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