how to clear terminal in vs code


Imagine this: You’re knee-deep in a coding project, your VS Code integrated terminal cluttered with countless lines of output from various scripts and commands. You’re trying to find a specific piece of information, but the endless scrolling on the terminal window is making it a Herculean task. Sounds familiar? Well, you’re not alone. Many developers, both seasoned and newbies, often find themselves in this situation. But fret not, because today we’re going to learn how to clear the terminal in VS Code, a skill that will make your coding life a whole lot easier.

Clear the Terminal in VS Code

Clearing the terminal in VS Code is as simple as it gets. All you need to do is press a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + K if you’re on Windows or Linux, or Cmd + K if you’re on a Mac. Voila! Your terminal window is now as clean as a blank canvas, ready for you to paint your code on. This clear command is a lifesaver when you want to declutter your terminal screen.

But let’s say you’re in the middle of running a script, and you want to clear the terminal without interrupting the process. In that case, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + K shortcut on Windows and Linux, or Cmd + Shift + K on Mac. This will clear the terminal but keep your script running. It’s a great way to keep your terminal window clean and your cursor focused on the task at hand.

Here’s a quick code snippet to illustrate:

echo "Hello, World!"
# Terminal output: Hello, World!

# Press Ctrl + K or Cmd + K
# Terminal is now clear

Other Common Shortcuts

While we’re on the topic of shortcuts, let’s explore a few other handy ones that can boost your productivity in VS Code. Remember, learning these keyboard shortcuts is key to becoming an efficient user of the integrated terminal.

  • Ctrl + \ or Cmd + \ – Splits the terminal into two panes.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 5 or Cmd + Shift + 5 – Changes the terminal layout between horizontal and vertical.
  • Ctrl + C or Cmd + C – Kills the current process.
  • Ctrl + D or Cmd + D – Exits the terminal.

These commands are generally helpful for managing your terminal window. Alternatively, you can access these commands and more by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P and typing ‘terminal’ in the command palette that appears.


Mastering shortcuts like how to clear terminal in VS Code can significantly enhance your coding efficiency. It’s like knowing your way around a city – once you’re familiar with the shortcuts, you can navigate much faster and more efficiently. So, keep practicing these shortcuts, and soon they’ll become second nature.

Remember, the key to becoming proficient in any tool is understanding its ins and outs. And with VS Code, the more you know, the more powerful a developer you become. We hope this guide has been helpful in making you more efficient in using the integrated terminal in VS Code. Happy coding!


Q: How can I customize the terminal in VS Code?

A: VS Code allows you to customize your terminal to suit your preferences. You can change the font size, choose between different shells, set the terminal’s background color, and much more. To do this, go to File > Preferences > Settings and search for “terminal” in the search bar. There are a great number of options available to tailor the terminal to your liking.

Based on popular VS Code FAQs on the internet, here are a few questions and answers that are not related to shortcuts:

Q: How can I change the color of the indent guides in VS Code?

A: The color of the indent guides, like most UI elements in VS Code, is customizable. You can change it by going to File > Preferences > Color Theme and selecting the theme that suits your preference. You can also create your own custom theme. This is a great way to personalize your coding environment.

Q: What are the system requirements for VS Code?

A: VS Code is a lightweight editor and doesn’t require high-end hardware. It can run on any system with a 1.6 GHz or faster processor, 1 GB of RAM, and 200 MB of hard disk space. It’s compatible with Windows 7 or later, OS X 10.10 or later, and modern Linux distributions. This makes it a great choice for a wide range of applications.

Q: How do I create and run a new project in VS Code?

A: To create a new project, simply create a new folder on your system and open it in VS Code. You can then create new files and start coding. To run your project, you’ll need to use the terminal or an extension that supports running your type of project. This is a great way to start a new coding project.

Q: How do I know which version of VS Code I’m using?

A: You can check the version of VS Code you’re using by going to Help > About in the menu. This will open a window displaying information about your VS Code installation, including the version number. It’s always a good idea to keep your software up to date.

Q: Why am I not getting any IntelliSense suggestions in VS Code?

A: If you’re not getting any IntelliSense suggestions, it could be due to several reasons. It could be that the language service is still loading or has crashed. It could also be that the file you’re working on is not in the workspace, or that the language support for the file type is not installed or properly configured. Check your settings and extensions to troubleshoot the issue.

Remember, the more you familiarize yourself with VS Code, the more you can leverage its powerful features to enhance your coding experience. Happy coding!

Remember, the key to becoming proficient in any tool is understanding its ins and outs. And with VS Code, the more you know, the more powerful a developer you become. Happy coding!

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Additional Resources

For more information on how to use VS Code and its integrated terminal, you can check out the following resources:

  1. Official VS Code Documentation
  2. VS Code Tips and Tricks
  3. VS Code on GitHub

These links provide a wealth of information and can be a great source of learning. Happy coding!

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