The make utility is a tool used to automate the process of compiling and building software projects. There are different implementations of make, with gmake and make being two notable examples.
While gmake specifically refers to GNU make, make refers to the default make implementation on the system. However, it is important to note that make may also refer to different implementations, such as BSD make or the make implementations of commercial Unixes, on some Unix systems.
The language accepted by GNU make is a superset of the one supported by the traditional make utility, allowing users to utilize GNU make extensions without worrying about compatibility with other make implementations.
While most Linux distributions use GNU make as the default, variations may exist if a different version of make is used. BSD systems and Solaris, for instance, have their own make implementations with different syntax and features.
This article aims to explore the differences between gmake and make, including their implementations and compatibility issues.
What are they?
gmake and make are both implementations of the make utility.
gmake specifically refers to GNU make, while make refers to the system’s default make implementation.
On most Linux distributions, the default make implementation is GNU make. However, on other Unix systems, make could refer to a different implementation, such as BSD make or the make implementations of various commercial Unixes.
The language accepted by GNU make is a superset of the one supported by the traditional make utility.
By using gmake specifically, you can use GNU make extensions without worrying about them being misinterpreted by another make implementation.
It is important to note that while GNU make is practically universal now, there could still be differences if a different version of make is used or if a different make implementation is utilized on a system.
Implementation Variations
The make utility has different implementations, such as GNU make, BSD make, and the make implementations of various commercial Unixes. Each implementation may have variations in syntax, features, and compatibility with other make implementations.
GNU make, often referred to as gmake, is the most widely used implementation and is considered the standard on most Linux distributions. It accepts a superset of the language supported by the traditional make utility, allowing the use of GNU make extensions without worrying about compatibility with other make implementations.
BSD systems, on the other hand, have their own make implementation, which has different syntax and features.
Additionally, Solaris also has its own make implementation, further contributing to the variations in make utilities across different systems.
Compatibility Issues
Compatibility issues can arise when attempting to create a Makefile that can be used by both GNU make and other make implementations. While GNU make accepts a superset of the language supported by the traditional make utility, it does not provide a compatible superset of features in its language extensions compared to other make implementations. This can lead to discrepancies and errors when trying to write a Makefile that is compatible with both GNU make and other make implementations.
Most BSD make implementations are POSIX compliant, while GNU make may not achieve POSIX compatibility. Additionally, different make implementations, such as the one used in Solaris, may have syntax and feature differences that further complicate compatibility.
Therefore, it is important to carefully consider and test for compatibility issues when working with different make implementations.