
why does chat gpt require a phone number?

real time vs near real time

Scotty Moe

Realtime, near realtime, and batch are terms commonly used in the field of computer science to classify different types of ...

why does chat gpt require a phone number?

gmake vs make

Scotty Moe

The make utility is a tool used to automate the process of compiling and building software projects. There are different ...

What Is The Difference Between Var And Val In Kotlin?

Scotty Moe

This article aims to explore the difference between var and val in Kotlin. Both var and val are keywords used ...

react router vs nextjs

Scotty Moe

React Router and Next.js are two popular frameworks used for building web applications with ReactJS. While both frameworks serve similar ...

why does chat gpt require a phone number?

vscode zsh

Scotty Moe

This article examines the process of setting up ZSH as the default shell in VSCode, focusing on potential difficulties encountered ...

make not found vscode

Scotty Moe

This article aims to address the issue encountered by users when attempting to use the ‘make’ command for a makefile ...

appsettings.json vs appsettings.development.json

Scotty Moe

This article examines the distinction between appsettings.json and appsettings.{Environment}.json in .NET Core applications. Configuration files are used to manage application ...

why does chat gpt require a phone number?

heap dump vs thread dump

Scotty Moe

This article examines the differences between javacore, thread dump, and heap dump in the context of WebSphere. These tools are ...

why does chat gpt require a phone number?

esp32-wroom vs wrover

Scotty Moe

This article aims to compare the ESP32-WROOM-32 and ESP32-WROVER modules, exploring their differences and potential causes of panic experienced by ...

why does chat gpt require a phone number?

mac uninstall vscode

Scotty Moe

This article discusses the process of completely uninstalling Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on a Mac. Uninstalling VS Code requires ...