relative xpath vs absolute xpath

Scotty Moe

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This article aims to explore the difference between absolute and relative XPaths and determine which one is preferred in Selenium automation.

Absolute XPaths refer to the complete path from the root element to the desired element, while relative XPaths start by referencing an element and proceed from there.

Absolute XPaths offer a complete path, whereas relative XPaths provide a partial path. The former begin with /html, while the latter start with //.

Moreover, absolute XPaths do not utilize attributes, whereas relative XPaths can make use of them.

In Selenium automation testing, relative XPaths are favored due to their ability to ensure that automation scripts remain unaffected by changes in the Document Object Model (DOM). They offer greater flexibility and can locate elements anywhere on the webpage.

Relative XPaths are easier to maintain as they are resilient to minor DOM modifications. They provide adaptability, efficiency, and robustness, making them the preferred choice in Selenium automation.


In the context of the pre-existing knowledge, the difference between absolute and relative XPaths lies in the fact that:

  • Absolute XPaths provide a complete path from the root element to the desired element.
  • Relative XPaths start by referencing an element and navigate from there.

Absolute XPaths use the entire path from the HTML root element, starting with ‘/html’, and do not rely on attributes. On the other hand, relative XPaths start with ‘//’ and can use attributes to locate elements.

In Selenium automation testing, relative XPaths are preferred as they:

  • Ensure that automation scripts remain unaffected by changes in the DOM.
  • Are more flexible and can search for elements anywhere on the webpage.
  • Make it easier to maintain and adapt to minor DOM changes.

Advantages of Relative XPaths

Advantages of using relative XPaths include:

  • Flexibility, adaptability, and resistance to changes in HTML structure.
  • Relative XPaths provide a more maintainable and reliable approach in automation testing.
  • They ensure that automation scripts remain unaffected by minor DOM changes.

Relative XPaths offer a more future-proof solution as they do not rely on the complete path from the root element.

  • By starting the search from any element in the HTML DOM structure, relative XPaths are more flexible and can search for elements anywhere on the webpage.

Additionally, relative XPaths are easier to maintain compared to absolute XPaths.

  • They are not affected by slight changes in the DOM.
  • Their concise and intuitive nature makes them a preferred choice for locating elements in Selenium automation.

Disadvantages of Absolute XPaths

One drawback of using absolute XPaths is their susceptibility to breaking if there are any changes in the HTML structure. Since absolute XPaths use the complete path from the root element to the desired element, even minor modifications in the DOM can invalidate the XPath and make it unable to locate the intended element.

This rigidity makes absolute XPaths less adaptable and more prone to regression. Additionally, absolute XPaths may require rewriting if there are any changes in the HTML structure, which can be time-consuming and tedious.

Their longer and more complex nature compared to relative XPaths also makes them less preferred in automation testing.

Therefore, the fragility and dependence on the HTML structure make absolute XPaths less advantageous in Selenium automation.

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